How to pass Cisco certification
Step 1: Take CCNA, the Cisco Certified Network Support Engineer
Take the CCNA certification exam. There is only one course for the exam content. If you have a chance at work, you can get more information about the specific operation of the Cisco router. I am really not sure, I can participate in some labs with better training in the environment, read more English materials, and exchange more in relevant forums, which will help prepare for this certification exam, and CCNA is open to all candidates in the world.
Step 2: Obtain CCNP, Cisco Certified Senior Network Support Engineer
The next thing to consider is the CCNP exam. There are three exam subjects that CCNP needs to pass. You need to study carefully and experiment carefully. We do not recommend learning methods for back exam questions, but we can look at some topics before the exam to test the learning outcomes.
Take the CCNA certification exam. There is only one course for the exam content. If you have a chance at work, you can get more information about the specific operation of the Cisco router. I am really not sure, I can participate in some labs with better training in the environment, read more English materials, and exchange more in relevant forums, which will help prepare for this certification exam, and CCNA is open to all candidates in the world.
Step 2: Obtain CCNP, Cisco Certified Senior Network Support Engineer
The next thing to consider is the CCNP exam. There are three exam subjects that CCNP needs to pass. You need to study carefully and experiment carefully. We do not recommend learning methods for back exam questions, but we can look at some topics before the exam to test the learning outcomes.
If you need to take this certificate to choose a more challenging position, you can enrich each of your experiments and enrich your knowledge and skills after you have obtained a certificate and a new working environment. If you have no experience with CCNA, even if you rely on back-test questions, it is not very useful for you to find a CC N P certificate by looking for someone to take the exam. Because you are not qualified for CCNP work at all.
Step 3: Sprint CCIE, Cisco Certified Internet Specialist
Next, you need to sprint the highest certification in the network world. After CCIE is finished with the CCIE study and exams in Cisco, if you want to work in the security field, you can choose to study CCIE security certification. .
Looking back, you will find that the ups and downs of CCIE certification are worthy of recollection, but the improvement of personal skills brings you more fun in the learning process. In fact, by this time, your CCIE lab knowledge and skills are already very rich, and you are an expert in the industry. If you are interested, you can even consider publishing a monograph on the Internet. If your goal is to dedicate yourself to the network technology industry, then work hard without regrets!